Gem Tree BOOK Update
I wanted to provide a quick update to those that follow my tree making adventures. I have found a book publisher and have contracted with them for self publishing. It appears I still have a lot of work to do, but I’m hopeful that by Christmas my book will be published and available for gift giving. Any instructions that you find here on my blog or any of my other blogs or web site will be included in the book with additional diagrams, pictures and hopefully easier to read instructions. Additional instructions for new designs and shapes have been added as well as ideas on how to use the trees in your home and everyday life.
Don’t forget to leave a comment on my blog for the Gem Tree Giveaway. We have just a little over a week before I announce a winner - Deadline is May 26th.
I have seen the beauty of your bead work in the past but never knew the depth of your true talents. After reading your blog and seeing some of your amazing pieces exhibted at the Gem and Mineral Club I am truley in awe.
Rommie Mallek
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