Gem Tree Sculpture Book Update
For all of you who have e-mailed me wanting to get a copy, please be patient. The book is with the publisher for formatting. As soon as I get my proof copy I'll be sure to let you know. This book is laden with pictures and diagrams so hopefully they aren't having too much trouble with it.
If you are new to the Gem Tree world and want some basic instructions, I do have an earlier post from 2007 that you can search for here in my blog or e-mail me separately and I'll get something out to you.
My next goal is to get my "Dew Drop" tree completed for competition and a prototype palm completed. These two trees along with 3 trees from last year will be entered in Billings, Montana this summer at the American Federation of Mineral Societies show. It will be my final year of competition if I make "Masters". I'm going for it with my two new tree designs. Cross your fingers for me. Just as an FYI, the "Dew Drop" tree is called the "Down Under Tree" in my book, so those instructions will be provided in this first edition. I know what your thinking, she's going to do another book, well I'm thinking about a more advanced book for those who make gem trees and want additional ideas, like my palm tree. I'll post pics here when they are finished.
Cheers for now...
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