Book Marketing
I have this hard time selling myself or my book. I know the book is good, but how do I sell it without coming across as bragging? Today was my day to try to get more vendors selling my book. I had taken a book to Shipwreck Beads (very large bead shop) in Lacey, WA and left it for their book buyer to review a couple of weeks ago. I decided today was the day to follow up and call him to make sure he had received it. He had and ordered 6 books, now I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but it is a step in the door and that was what I was hoping for. I also took a book to The Bead Factory here in Tacoma for the owner to review and to make an appointment with her. I still have yet to hear back but I'm sure I will.
It has taken me awhile to feel comfortable enough to get out and do some of this marketing in person, but I figure if I don't do it no one else will. I still have yet to make it up to Jerry's Rock Shop in Renton. I sent an e-mail, but if they are like me, ignore those messages, so an in person visit is in order.
The other marketing that I still need to do is to get postcards sent to all the local gem and mineral clubs. I try to do as many gem and mineral shows as possible during show season, but not all shows have the room for a demonstrator. I'm still waiting to see if I get into the Bellevue show at the end of this month.
If anyone has any other marketing ideas for my book, please let me know. I think I'm ready to give them a try.
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