Monday, March 22, 2010

Offer Ends April 1st

My March newsletter came out today and with it a special price for my Gem Tree Sculptures book. What's the deal? Instead of paying $17.99 you will only pay $10.00 for the book. Yes, that's right, but only for a limited time. How can you get this deal? Sign up for my newsletter, you can always unsubscribe later if you don't like it. Go to my web site and sign up (lower left hand corner), I'll get the notice and will send you a copy of the newsletter with the coupon code in it. Simple. Oh, and I also have gem tree supplies and kits on sale too.

Here is my web site info.

Don't wait too long.

Cheers, Dana


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Special Price on Gem Tree Sculptures book

Finally made it back from vacation. I had 9 orders for small gem trees before I left, due 3/31 to be mailed and thought, I'll just take my tree making stuff with me since we are driving and in the evenings just whip them out. Yea, right. I made a few branches for one tree and then promptly put the stuff away and never got back to it so now you guessed it, I'll be making trees this week. Making the trees is usually no problem if I have free time, I just didn't have any on vacation. Humm, I guess that is what vacation is for.

So, this is a celebration post and one you can benefit from. I am teaching at the Puget Sound Bead Festival in July my first time at that bead show and have 4 spots left in my class, yea. I'm so glad it was well received. If you are interested in taking that class here is the link to that site - PSBF.

Also, I will be running a special on my book Gem Tree Sculptures on my ArtFire studio for those that sign up for my newsletter. Go to my web site to sign up - HERE. Bottom left. If you don't have my book and have been wanting to get it, it will be well worth your while to sign up to get the discount. Newsletter will be posted by next Monday the 22nd so hurry and sign up now as this will be a limited time offer.

I guess I better get busy making those trees now.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Use for Jewelry Tree - Easter Egg Tree

I was wandering around aimlessly in Michael's craft store the other day and found this great pink wire so I just had to buy it. I am a sucker for colored wire for these little trees. This style is the Jewelry Tree in my book and tutorial but in this instance I have made it into an Easter Egg Tree.

You can purchase the tutorial from my ArtFire studio (see Rapid Cart at the right). I'm already picturing a Halloween tree out of black wire....humm.

If you have already purchased my book or this tutorial and are wondering about the wire, I used 18 gauge colored copper. Very lightweight. It came 3 yards to a package so I had to buy 3 packages to have enough to make this large a tree.
