Thursday, June 28, 2007

Getting Started

I thought I would start this blog as gem trees are catching on more as a lapidary hobby. My husband and I teach and demonstrate gem tree design, so what would be more appropriate then a guide to make one. There are several types of gem trees and I prefer the kind where you don't glue the gems to the wire, but use gems or beads with holes and twist the wire with the beads in it to make the leaves and branches. The shapes are varied and is totally up to your imagination. This is a great hobby for children and those with limited resources.

Supplies you will need:

  • Wire cutter (small jewelry ones are fine)
  • Smooth Nose Pliers (small jewelry ones are fine)
  • 24 guage craft wire in whatever color you choose to match your gems/beads
  • gemstone chips or beads with holes
  • Ruler or someway to measure your wire
  • Dish to hold gems/beads
  • Rock or Dish as base for tree
  • 527 Craft glue/cement (can be found at any craft store)
The picture of the gem tree is one that my husband made. Trees similar to this one are available on my web site for sale if you would prefer to just purchase and not make one.

Stayed tuned for my next post on creating a branch with leaves.

Thanks, Dana