Competition is Complete
Well I have now obtained "Master" status on gem tree design at the Regional and National level. Big sigh of relief. I didn't get the perfect score that I might have dreamed of...but that was just a dream. Too many variables and subjective areas in judging to get 100 points. At the Regional level I obtained 93 and at the National level 92, which qualifies me for "Masters". So now what do I call myself? Do I say I am a Master Gem Tree Designer? I guess I'll have to find out from the powers that be.
I know that the biggest point off was for my labels, they were perfect in spelling and mineral identification, but I didn't include that the tree was also made of craft wire. You would have thought that indicating on the label "AMETHYST, 24 gauge silver craft wire (Amethyst)" would have to be spelled out on the label. Oh well, I may write some guideline suggestions for additions to the rules for gem trees so that it is clearer for the next competitors.
We are still here in Montana and I have two more days of teaching workshops and selling books. I had two students today with several lookers and sold several books, so I'm happy. There are no other gem tree artists here so I'm pretty much it. I've been telling everybody that I wrote the book on gem tree I'm exaggerating a bit, but no one else is writing books on the subject.
The picture shows me with my tree display and my first blue ribbon. The second blue ribbon was awarded this afternoon and I haven't been able to get a photo of it yet.
Once I gather up all my awards, I'll take another picture and post it. Also, if anyone is thinking about competing with gem trees, I have a lot of tips to help you out. Just ask.
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