New Tutorials for Gem Trees
I've been busy working the past couple of days dissecting parts of my book to make tutorials. With the economy the way it is and not picking up anytime soon, some people may not have the funds to purchase the book, so how about a cheaper alternative and that is a tutorial.
The tutorials are all the same instructions as what I wrote in the book except that they have some color photos vs. all B&W. I have the Standard Gem Tree, Pine Tree, 2 Leaf Tree and the Jewelry/Earring Tree completed and ready to e-mail as a .pdf download file. Check out my ArtFire and Etsy shops for the tutorials and gem tree kits as well as the book. My 1000 Markets site has completed gem trees and the book for sale.
On the plus side, I have had some sales of my book and am encouraged that between the gem and mineral clubs in the area, friends, family members and the national show in Montana, I will probably break even on my costs to publish the book....or at least that is my hope and my husbands. Wish me luck.
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